Justin Bieber Tweets on Being Normal...is He? Or is He Special?

Justin Bieber had a twitter moment where he missed being "a normal kid." He can't go back, but as he ages he seems to get better.

For those Justin Bieber fans who don't follow him on twitter, or follow him but don't always get to viewing his latest tweets, here's some news: on September 4, 2011, in the midst of tweets about his charity basketball game in Atlanta, he tweeted about being normal. Or about wanting to be normal.

The thoughts came up after a question from gabbygrutt14, one of Bieber's 12,435,918 followers on Twitter. She asked Bieber if he would like to spend time again simply being "normal," whatever that might be. "@justinbieber if you could..would you for one day go back to being a normal kid?" gabbygrutt14 asked Bieber. "just for a day, #randomquestion."

That question got from Justin Bieber a seemingly honest reply, and a telling one. "yeah...for more than 1 day. i love my life but yeah. this question stuck out to me. i wanted to answer it. thanks," he wrote. He then followed that response with this: "but i feel really blessed to do what i do. very grateful. i am normal though."

Justin Bieber: Praise from Celebrities
Justin Bieber has often spoken of keeping himself grounded, normal, in the midst of all of the things he has and things he gets to do, the tours, recordings, TV shows, money and all the adulation. He seems to have achieved being normal and celebrities from Usher to David Letterman to Barbara Walters have said as much, impressed by who he is.

"I could be accused of being a dirty old woman because I thought he was adorable," Walters said after he was on her show in December of 2010. "His mother was at the interview, who looks about 12-years-old, and his grandparents.

"He's very talented. He taught himself to play drums, guitar and piano and he played them all for us. I asked him about dating and he said 'I like older women.' He is a very smooth kid."

Bieber Seeks Being a Normal Kid
Arguably, just because he owns homes and has staff and legions of fans it does not mean he isn't normal, and he realizes that or would not have tweeted that he is normal. He's a normal kid who is not leading a normal life.

After that exchange with gabbygrutt14 he went on to exchanges with rapper Ludacris and NBA star Carmelo Anthony, not exchanges a 'normal' 17-year-old would, well, normally have. But through it all, and the following day when he tweeted about shooting a commercial on the dangers of texting and driving, he was generous, kind, humble and grateful. For a 17-year-old with all that he has, mabye that's not normal after all.

Maybe it's special.

Read more at Suite101: Justin Bieber Tweets on Being Normal...is He? Or is He Special? | Suite101.com http://www.suite101.com/news/justin-bieber-tweets-on-being-normalis-he--or-is-he-special-a387558#ixzz1XA0RFlMm

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